is an easy way to earn money through your blog. Why? will pay for you to just shorten your url with This is one way to get money through a blog. (Free Registration :
What is ? are a free URL shortening service. Get paid to share your links on the Internet ! Just register for an account and start shrinking. You get paid for every person that visits your URLs. Isn't that sounds good? Register now!
How Works ?
Earn more than $4.00 / 1000 visitors to your links. Get tiny URLs, great for when text space is limited. All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups. Real-time statistics with revenue breakdown. Refer users and get a massive 20% commission. Many tools - Mass Shrinker, Easy Link, API Easy-to-reach $5.00 minimum payout. payment is via PAYPAL . And AlertpayYou can check payout rates here.
* You need a PAYPAL account to received the payment. Guide : Create a Free PAYPAL Account.
* You need a Alertpay account to received the payment Guide: Create a Free Alertpay Account
How To Join ?
1. It's a free registration. Just go to this link.
2. Click on the Join Now.
3. Then fill in the registration form and Submit.
4. Now, you're ready to earn some money by shrinking your URLs and share it to the world.
URL sample : Shorten HOW-TO URL >>
Start earning now! :)
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